🛠️Can and Will Do


Can and Will Do 2019

The concept of “can and will do” is built off of Arthur Schopenhauer’s “The World as Will and Idea,” where the will to do something is a strong drive to overcome for the whatever task. It’s put so simply intentionally. “Can and Will, Do” means if you can do something, that is the necessary prerequisite that you have to have in order to “will it.” Meaning once you can, you execute and “get it done” no matter what. Depending on the obstacle is how much will you need.

Inventions & Thought Experiments

Ideas run the world, people live and thrive from their ideas! That’s what any business concept or invention is, the idea, the dream of a desired outcome. It is the can from can and will do.

For a better understanding of why having ideas and dreams are so important to success read “Think and Grow Rich.” Many people don’t even have the will to think of a great idea which is why you have to have the idea of a dream or a goal to reach that will make your life heavenly to you.

Thought Experiments

For great minds the world over it is thought experiments that help people conceptualize their ideas, goals, and dreams. Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla used to talk about how they would do thought experiments to help conceptualize their intuition. In other words, Albert Einstein used to think about and conceptualize how fast light waves travel which helped him build “The Theory of Relativity.” Nikola Tesla thought of A/C power in his head and how to produce it with a turbine which he first put into practice with the Hoover Dam.

As discussed in “Think and Grow Rich,” Henry Ford hired a team to think of the V-8 engine. No engineer thought it was possible. Henry Ford hired the engineers, they would tell Henry it wasn’t possible and he would say “do it anyway.” To make a long story short Henry did this for a couple years until the engineers conceptualized the V-8 engine.

Anything is Possible

It is natural that adopting this philosophy would make you smarter than the average person. In order to innovate and advance properly you have to find what is true and real. Part of the “can” is being able to think correctly. When you know something most don’t (like Galileo Galia) it’s easy to get indignant. That’s why part of the “can and will do” philosophy trains the humility to teach your “can and will do” to another. It is not appropriate to get mad or angry but rather see other’s failure to comprehend and understand as a failure to teach.

“Can and Will Do” is no more applicable than with global warming. The biggest problem is working on the “can” of global warming. “Can” would involve finding viable solutions to the energy, agriculture, and transportation sectors. What is even harder is the “will” to integrate those solution. As I discuss in The American Mirror Mental Disease, people don’t have the will to “save the world” because they don’t even know it’s in turmoil. Creating a proper reflection to idolize would invoke people’s “will” to help.

Can and Will Do 2019

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